Core Commiter Weekly Interlock - May 15, 2017

Former user (Deleted)

Amy Mullins

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Michael Hepfer

Leo Zhang

Former user (Deleted)

James Turnquist

Former user (Deleted)


  1. 2.5.0 is green - good to release AI Thomas Sullivan to create release notes.   Do we have a story to automate this process? Manual update to the confluence pages as well should be automated.  AI Former user (Deleted) to create stories for automation.
  2. Data Consistency -  Alan Wei email on 5/11 discusses timing situation where node deletes can cause data inconsistency.     RAC-4805 - Getting issue details... STATUS  created to track this issue.   Mongo not the best database for this.   Consider others?   Need RI for Data consistency in the entire Data Model Former user (Deleted) to work with Tom Capirchio on new RI.
  3. RAC-4979 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Report out on the Release Numbering POC - Yarn to be used going forward, better option than shrinkwrap allows merges to happen then update the dependency to pull in the new merged code.
  4. Report out on hound guidelines per 5/8/17 CC meeting ( AI Former user (Deleted) to make recommendations of which hound checks are to be eliminated/ignored.) - update get rid of all deprecated checks - all other hound issues need to be commented in the PR or fixed.   AI James Turnquist to look at doing the same for Flake8.
  5. QRB discussed moving away from the internal EMC Code repo to a private github repo to address ease of use concerns (no longer required to require an account)
    • This would move private lab configs and proprietary skupacks
  6. Discuss how we fully deploy RackHD (microservices + RackHD server).  The issue being addressed here is the multifaceted process necessary for integrating RackHD and microservices.  What can we do to make RackHD easier to consume by the open source community? Docker containers are built currently however waiting on legal to allow it to be released.   Documentation to indicate bring RackHD up first then bring up the different micro services (assuming you have dell hardware)
  7. Voyager Migration to OS community
    1. Some talking points;

      • Timeline to start/complete.
      • Exposing CI pipelines (either transitioning to an open source one or doing something similar to the RHD CI pipeline).
      • Backlog Adjustments (tracker vs Jira?)
      • What do we want to name the repositories, is the voyager name being retired? use consistency across all repos - possibly VOY?
      • Should we share a Docker images/Dockerfile repository?
      • Process of merging code? Core committers?
      • Forks vs branches?
      • AI Amy Mullins to get voyager team to present demo.