Core Committer Weekly Interlock - November 9, 2016

Previous Meeting Notes (November 2, 2016  - Core Committer Weekly Interlock - November 2nd, 2016) and Agenda:

  1. Tool Transitions 
  2. RackHD Branch Strategy Proposal - Updates
  3. RackHD Quality Review Board Proposal
  4. Pending Pull Requests:
  5. Roundtable


Felix [X]

Andrew [X]

Peter [-]

Brian [-]

Ben [-]

Paul [X]

Amy [X]

Leo [X]

Tim [-]

Joe H[-]

New Agenda Items:

  1. DevCon next week
  2. Tool Transition - Updates
  3. RackHD Branch Strategy Proposal - Updates
  4. RackHD Quality Review Board Proposal
  5. Pending Pull Requests:
  6. Roundtable


  1. Dev Con planned for next week (11/16-11/17) in 176
    1. Cubes available for Leo YJ Zhang (Unlicensed), Former user (Deleted) and Former user (Deleted) in 171 for the week.  Meetings to be setup early in the week with the Hop Dev team.
    2. SH trip to Seattle, Paul Scharlach helped confirmed there will be several folks in the office that week (Joe, DJ, Roland, tracy on Monday) 
  2. Tool Transition - Updates 
    1. Starting to see activity in cloud Atlassian/JIRA from Tom S, Tom Cap and Edouard transitioning ODRs and ORFSs in to the new tool
      1. Confirmed the dev leads and most folks from sh have logged in to start the tool evaluation.
      2. AI: Leo YJ Zhang (Unlicensed), Paul Scharlach, and Amy Mullins to evaluate how the single backlog, team tagging/boards are working and to test it out. 
    2. Amy Mullins has the Redfish Northbound Stack Evolution proposal that may be the first new proposal to go through the new RI process 
    3. Tom Cap has the backlog refinement tomorrow, we are looking for an update on changes to the process since last weeks report out (if any).
    4. AI: Tim Larson is the RackHD Portal ready to go live?
    5. AI: Tim Larson has here been any discussion on a migration from GitHub Issues → JIRA Tracker?
    6. AI: Tim Larson will google groups still be used?
  3. RackHD Branch Strategy Proposal - Updates 
    1. Brian presented at the RackHD Leadership Team (OLT) Interlock on 11/3.  
      1. Tim Larson were there any next steps such as cleaning up the slides prior to RackHD publication on the path chosen to move forward with?   
      2. AI Brian to send the slides presented
  4. RackHD Quality Review Board Proposal
    1. AI from last week: Tim Larson and TomS owe the team a write-up on this proposal (Next Week - CC Meeting)
      1. Should we plan this report out at the Dev Con?. 
  5. Pending Pull Requests - Update 
    1. BenBP scrubbed through all the PRs older than a few days and classified them into different categories. (11/4 in the slack CC channel)
    2. Plan per last week was to ping on "stale" PRs and then put it on a one week timer to closure
    3. AI:  Brian, Ben, Former user (Deleted), and Former user (Deleted) to review the list by next week to determine if the PRs need to be moved forward or killed
  6. Roundtable:
    1. Paul Scharlach: The Alpine images for the micro-kernel docker images brought up last week were sorted out through email.  3 Stories are in the Gripen backlog tracking this work and the plan is for Andre to start it up once he is back in the office on 11/21 
    2. Paul Scharlach: authentication on by default ORFS - email exchange with Amy on the webui update required as part of the feature goals.  
      1. Roland put up a PR ( but has a question out on what is a valid default login.  Can the CCs help review and provide feedback on a valid default login for the webui?
    3. Paul Scharlach: breaking on-http in to microservices, proposal updated by Roland this week and a real-time discussion is planned for 11/10
    4. Paul Scharlach public Jenkins (logs, test results, ...). 
      1. Leo YJ Zhang (Unlicensed) confirmed Former user (Deleted) has setup a mirror Jenkins server in SH for the public to review the logs and test results.   Seems to be slow to access.  
      2. Will that phase out travis and move to circle? Paul Scharlach to respond to the email thread.
      3. Leo YJ Zhang (Unlicensed) to help respond to George's FIT migration plan with feedback of where we are with the Jenkins server and to minimize duplication of efforts.
    5. Leo YJ Zhang (Unlicensed) - Static IP email thread. 
      1. POC efforts in the current sprint by Jaime per Former user (Deleted)'s proposal for addressing the ARP Cache issue.  Expect about another sprint (after this one) for testing.
      2. Amy Mullins tied off with Geoff on the story in the Gripen backlog.  Will plan to pull the story from the Gripen sprint backlog, not continue with any work on that story, and help support the POC PRs as they are published.