Core Commiter Weekly Interlock - April 17,2017

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Paul Scharlach

Michael Hepfer

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Torrent Glenn


  • Decision on Bump-Version plan  - Option F by a landslide.
  • Discuss plan for moving to more frequent releases (nightly?  per-commit?) (RAC-4540)  Are we ready for a per commit release or would we be better off going from every 2 weeks, to every week to every day 1st?   Former user (Deleted) what are the plans to get to this per commit release?
  • Communication of merge freeze status outside of core committers- whoever does pinning on the RackHD channel needs to send email to SSE Larson All to communicate to the rest of team.  (This is for pinning and unpinning). 
  • Merging with Hound violations -
  • Merges frozen still due to the following bug.
  • RAC-4853 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • There has been a merge of PR

    Also an email stating this PR should fix issue as well yet Master CI is still red


  • Current vs. Yesterday for CI Master builds.  Email from Peter
    • If previous Master-CI in Red, because non-code-relevant-problem (network problem, ESXi down..etc), use “yesterday” . to run regression against to code align the last failure build (cut EST 12:00AM).
    • If previous Master-CI in Red, because code problem, so HOT-FIX needed. Use “current” , to ensure the hot-fix being included.
    • Decision was made to change manifest to support multiple builds in the same day and go with current as the default for builds.  No need for "yesterday".  Idea is when the button is pushed to do a build it is against the most recent master.