2017-04-10 RackHD Architecture Forum Meeting notes
2017-04-10 RackHD Architecture Forum Meeting notes
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Tim Larson
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Review AIs
- Dell 15G Systems Management Forum
- Server BU - Technologists - awareness of all tech efforts going on
- 15G increased focus on system managemenet - software & some firmware folks
- RackHD has been discussed in many different forums
- We've been asked to present RackHD to this forum - on 4/17/17
- We need to be prepared to answer questions concisely
- Will need a slide deck - presentations are "not rough"
- Expected to deliver preso, and take questions, not dialog
- Maithri is on this board, server org has template
- Don't worry about "behavior specifications" for now – Maithri will send example
- May want to talk roadmap - not in the marketing sense, but in the development sense – "i.e. Be able to explain what WFEaaS and how we are approaching the problem"
- Maithri will share some example docs from other Dell arch forums
- Tim - suggests we get tasks in dev teams backlog
- Tim - when do we get past the working in the abstract and get a boggy out there?
- Tim - create a more targeted, concrete approach
- Tim/Brad - conversation on "we need to be more modular" – need to put details around this
- Brian - completely agree with having a specific use case, or set of use cases
- Tim suggests that the CoprHD portal view is the boggy for RackHD portal view
- Byron - suggests that there may be some misalignments on goals of arch forum
- Joe/Byron need to provide more fidelity on asks
- AI - Joe/Byron/Tim to huddle up on how to proceed
- Jeanne - hearing a few different things – "where are we going with arch" - our original goal was documenting where we are today
- Jeanne - Are we saying what we have now is good enough?
- AI - Joe/Byron – go thru all diagrams and provide feedback – will use 15G Forum use case
- Byron -
- Everyone read RI by EOD today
- Feedback in today
- Tomorrow review feedback and lock RI
- Spend time thru this thurs completing RI
- Completing diagrams
- Jeanne – concerned about other tasking this week
- Going forward - tasking must appear in dev backlogs
- Continue discussion on WFEaaS – specifically, issues/ideas regarding decoupling from MongoDB
Action items
- Everyone - Review RI-132 by EOB 4/10/17 and provide feedback
- Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted) - Review RI-132 feedback and work with team to lock in by EOB 4/11/17
- Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted) - Start building preso/deck for 15G forum and provide feedback to team as to what is needed in the collateral to complete the deck for next Monday's preso
- Former user (Deleted) - Once we get legal approval to publish Advanced PE Services to open source (should occur by 4/12/17 or 4/13/17), determine best approach to publish arch forum collateral for Advanced PE Services to Arch Forum wiki
, multiple selections available,