2016-12-21 RackHD Architecture Forum Meeting notes
2016-12-21 RackHD Architecture Forum Meeting notes
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Tim Larson
- Former user (Deleted)
Proposed Agenda & Goals
- Attendance
- Review action items from last meeting
- Former user (Deleted) - set up video conference for 12-21-16 meeting, use telepresence as appropriate - DONE
- Former user (Deleted) - create email DL for the forum - DONE
- Former user (Deleted) - post agenda for 12-21-16 meeting - DONE
- Review/discuss DevCon whiteboard notes to ensure alignment
- Former user (Deleted): What does scale mean?
- Former user (Deleted): We need requirements from the business to understand our scaling requirements
- Former user (Deleted): What are the requirements for scaling the WFE?
- Former user (Deleted): We have to have some constraints on what scale means
- Former user (Deleted): VCIO - establish a set of guiding principle
- i.e. expect all services of RackHD run on same machine or not
- i.e. we need to scale beyond 1 rack, or 1 row
- Former user (Deleted): neighborhoods that span racks, rows, DCs and geographic sites
- Former user (Deleted): Re-confirm the notion of a single instance of "RackHD Core" service are responsible for a "neighborhood", no matter how large or small
- Former user (Deleted): Must make some statements about how large a neighborhood can be
- Former user (Deleted): What are the requirements for a single RackHD core instance
- Former user (Deleted): We have to express requirements in terms of SLA? (what metrics do we express our scale requirements in?)
- No. of nodes, - not enough to express in this term
- No. of workflows / sec
- What about discovery?
- What about OS install?
- What about firmware updates?
- Former user (Deleted): Need to be able to say that we have architect-ed this to address the different aspects of scale
- Former user (Deleted): How do we know when we have broken down the services to a "granular enough" level – what is practical? How do we know what is practical?
- Former user (Deleted): Need to be cognizant of unintended consequences that come from granularity
- Former user (Deleted): Pick something to focus on first, like discovery
- Former user (Deleted): Told team to review remaining whiteboards and send email to DL with questions and comments
- Craft mission and/or vision statement(s) based on discussion
- Former user (Deleted): Skipping over this for sake of time – Former user (Deleted): AI craft a strawman
- Discuss 1st deliverable - updated architecture diagram – architecture as it is today
- What services in ecosystem should be included as being part of the architecture?
- Should we include all services, no matter how mature?
- Former user (Deleted): AI: Create strawman set of diagrams that include all RackHD Core, some external, some InfraEnablers and Enhanced PE
- Deployment diagrams vs. architecture diagrams
- Solution architecture vs. design architecture
- What should an architecture diagram include?
- How much detail is appropriate?
- Should we have a "drill down" approach to architecture diagrams?
- Former user (Deleted): Agrees that more detali is needed for some of our discussions
- Former user (Deleted): We need to have a single source of truth for what this team feels is "our architecture" that others can look to for builiding their own collateral for their own audiences
- Tim Larson: AI: Joe and Tim to pull together existing collateral into a single place
- What services in ecosystem should be included as being part of the architecture?
- Review AIs from 12/19/16 OSE Commit Review Board meeting
- Former user (Deleted): Did not get to this set of topics, will need to be added to the backlog of topics
- Deeper discussion(s) on the following topics
- Image repository service
- Service discovery and the use (or not) of Consul
- Service isolation & decomposition
- How granular is practical?
- What is driving the granularity?
Action items
- Former user (Deleted): - Strawman mission/vision statement(s) - posted in Works In Progress
- Former user (Deleted), Tim Larson: - Pull together existing architectural collateral into a single place - Worked with Tim L to gather various decks from his working space along with published decks from Syncplicity
- Former user (Deleted): - Strawman (starting set) architectural diagrams of where we are today (drill downs) - have not generated a strawman, but have collected what I believe to be the set of collateral that represents our latest diagrams – these will be used for discussion and how to move forward creating our new single source of truth updated to today.
- Former user (Deleted), Tim Larson: - Decide on minute taker for forum, Tim suggests Tom Sullivan
- Former user (Deleted): - Add minute taker to team and invites
- Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted): - Discuss idea of "guiding principles" and decide how to generate - have done nothing with this yet
, multiple selections available,