RackHD Priority Definitions

RackHD Priority Definitions

  • The Priority of a bug is defined to take into account the impact, probability, urgency, and business value.  Priority is generally defined by the industry to include both the interest of the consumer and the business need.  It is the Priority that will be used as the metric that can gate a RackHD release.

  • Severe consumer impact such that the issue prevents the consumer from performing essential RackHD features.  Including (but not limited to):

    • Booting RackHD

    • OS Installations

  • Nightly Regression test or build break
    • The issue is set as a P1 until dispositioned to be otherwise

Note: This is an "all hands on deck" scenario and requires immediate attention as per the RackHD P1 Escalation Process. The merge is frozen and the release blocked until the issue is resolved or dispositioned to a lower priority. 

  • Moderate consumer impact such that the consumer is able to perform job functions, possibly with a workaround or a degraded level of service
    • A workaround may or may not exist

Note: This is handled using the standard RackHD bug management process.  P2 issues will not require a Merge Freeze or block a Release. 

  • Minimal consumer impact such that the consumer is able to perform job functions largely unaffected
  • Non urgent questions or delays
  • Non critical or cosmetic updates

Note: This is handled using the standard RackHD bug management process.  P3 issues will not require a Merge Freeze or block a Release. 

  • Non critical Feature Enhancement

Note: This is handled using the standard RackHD bug management process.  P4 issues will not require a Merge Freeze or block a Release. 

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