Priority 1 Escalation Process

Priority 1 Escalation Process

The MasterCI pipeline (http://rackhdci.lss.emc.com/job/MasterCI/) is responsible for RackHD test, build and package deployment.  If the pipeline is RED, then the following process should be followed for escalation:

  1. Generate a P1 JIRA issue (reference TBD page for reference on P1 criteria)
    1. Navigate to https://rackhd.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa
    2. Click on the "Create" button
    3. For "Project", select "RAC"
    4. For "Issue Type", select "Bug"
    5. For "Priority", select "P1"
    6. Enter a brief Summary
    7. In the "Description" field, add a detailed description of the failure and link to the failing build.
  2. Report the blocking P1 issue to the "rackhdcc" and "ose leadership team" slack channels
    1. In the "rackhdcc" channel, use this format to "pin" the issue
      1. `MERGE FREEZE` due to P1 blocking bug: RAC-4729 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (as an example)
    2. This "pin" will let all Core Committers know that there should be a merge-freeze (PR could be submitted continiously) and that only fixes for that particular issue or a PR reversion are allowed at that time.
  3. Send Email to the "SSE Larson All" DL to let the RackHD Development team know that there is a merge-freeze in effect. 

The RackHD Dev Leads are responsible for making sure the P1 JIRA issue is assigned and being looked in to as a top priority.

Once a PR has been identified as the fix or if there is agreement to revert the offending PR:

  1. The PR shall be merged following the RackHD Merge Guidelines (TBD, add in link)
    1. NOTE: the PR should only contain a fix for the issue.  No new content should be introduced.
  2. The MasterCI job is re-run with the fix 
  3. If the pipeline is passes, the merge-freeze can be lifted:  
    1. In the "rackhdcc" slack channel, "unpin" the issue
    2. Send Email to the "SSE Larson All" DL to let the RackHD Development team know that the merge-freeze has been lifted. 

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