RackHD GitHub/JIRA Integration instructions

RackHD GitHub/JIRA Integration instructions

When you create a GitHub RackHD Pull Request, the commit header should include the related JIRA RAC issue or story.  For example:

git commit -m "RAC-123 add a README file to the project."

git push origin <branchname>

This helps team and individual contributors to see their branches, commit messages and pull requests right in the context of the JIRA story and issues.   JIRA uses the project RAC key to associate the GitHub RackHD commit with a JIRA RackHD issue, so the GitHub commit can be summarized in the Development panel.  For example:

JIRA  software automatically synchronize with GitHub by looking for commits that references issues keys (eg. RAC-XXX).  Please note that synchronization of commit data from the GitHub repository to JIRA can take some time.