Core Commiter Weekly Interlock - March 6th,2017

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Amy Mullins

Former user (Deleted)

Paul Scharlach

Former user (Deleted)

Torrent Glenn

Former user (Deleted)

Leo Zhang

Tim Larson

Thomas Sullivan

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Agenda items that need to be discussed at upcoming core committer meeting.

Time slots for CC and Arch Meetings.

AI Former user (Deleted)to move CC meeting to 8-9:00 CST

AI Former user (Deleted) move Arch meeting 9-10:00 CST - Note that Tom Sullivan actually owns this meeting invite now, so the AI should be assigned to Tom. 

AI Thomas Sullivan to move Dev Lead meetings to Wed Time TBD.

Please list below anything you feel needs to be discussed.   For higher priority items please place at the top of the queue.

   1.  Tags on deliverables.  What do they mean?  When do they get cleaned up? Former user (Deleted)

             a.  Docker hub:  nightly vs. latest vs. 1.3.0-20170228UTC-c69028e

              b.  Atlas:  v2.1.101, v0.15, v0.02.08  Update these appear to be old and should be cleaned up?  AI Former user (Deleted) to send out email on the ones she is going to delete unless someone is has an issue.

              c.  Bintray:  1.3.0-20170228UTC-c69028e

Inconsistency in naming of builds -  AI Former user (Deleted) to verify that latest is not being pushed to Docker Hub, let what is being built on docker hub be the latest.   AI All CC to respond to Peter Pan email around the plan.

Nightly tags will not have any indication of release number they will only include the date.   Former user (Deleted) can you make the changes to the build tools to no longer include release numbering AI Former user (Deleted) to open up RAC issue

RAC-4444 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  2. Replace bootstrap ubuntu with rancherOS in discovery and Micro-docker Former user (Deleted)

    See PR from Former user (Deleted)

We need a plan to switch from current Microkernel to dockerized microkernel as this is a very fundamental change and will bring impact to community and build&release.

AI Former user (Deleted) to link rancherOS documentation to RackHD documentation.   AI Former user (Deleted) to send out PPT on this subject to CC.


3. Automatically run rebase for PR gate Former user (Deleted)

Suggest Jenkins always automatically run "git rebase" for the target repo before PR gate testing, As I have seen a lot out-of-date PRs fail with some odd jenkins test errors (especially those PRs that are opened for a long time). 

AI Former user (Deleted) to sketch out proposal/sequence on how this will work and send to CC for review.

4.  Should the disabling of 1.1 API and the new release of 2.0 be highlighted on the web portal  yes more info is better.   Add the disabling message under News section on portal.

AI Former user (Deleted) going to communicate via google docs.

5. All set to release 2.0.0 at end of this sprint?

AI Former user (Deleted) to check with Erika how the FIT/CIT testing is coming against this disabling.    Does Erika have sandbox for this?