RackHD Commit Review Board - December 12, 2016
RackHD Commit Review Board - December 12, 2016
Previous Meeting Notes (Core Committer Weekly Interlock - November 22, 2016) and Agenda:
- CC Meeting Cadence - Logistics
- New RackHD Front End Proposal
- Latest Slack Issues
- DevCon Actions
- PR Queue
- Roundtable
New Agenda Items:
- Expanded Forum and Logistics
- API 1.1 Deprecation
- Messaging to the Community
- DataSets Data Structure, Data Logistics (GitHub Issue 417)
- Pending PR Requests
- Roundtable
- Expanded Forum:
- Growing the Commit Review Forum to a larger group
- We need bandwidth for the processing of the PRs, both review and commit asks
- Intent is to keep this forum with a "tactical bias"
- Former user (Deleted) will be running an Architecture Review Forum on Wednesday that has a "strategic bias"
- Paul Scharlach commented on concerns around where is the line on topics....
- AI: Tim Larson work with the existing core committer team to expand out the process (Thomas Sullivan assisting)
- AI: Tim Larson create new email DLs for the commit forum
- API 1.1 Deprecation
- Current situation is that we have declared the 1.1 APIs as deprecated
- We are not working any bugs or feature requests for the 1.1 APIs
- We have work to do for test coverage for removing 1.1 API from the Test Coverage
- 2.0 API test coverage expansion (coverage is not sufficient today - OS Install needs to be added)
- Finalize the communication to the consumers of the 1.1 APIs to ensure that they are ready to move off of it
- Former user (Deleted): layers of code in On-Http - there is stale paths with 1.1 remaining...
- There is a benefit to removing the 1.1 APIs and code paths
- The 1.1 API has negative impact on Latency today - removing it will resolve/improve the pathing
- ThomasS: Any documentation currently in the API docs that indicate that 1.1 is deprecated
- Action Items:
- Update the Documentation for the APIs to call out explicitly that the 1.1 APIs are Deprecated (Former user (Deleted))
- Do another round with the consumers on status of their migration to the 2.0 API consumption (Tim Larson)
- Improvements to the versioning of the 2.0 APIs and improve the visibility of the versions for the consumers(Former user (Deleted))
- Ensure that the FIT harness is fully supporting the 2.0 APIs and the needed test coverage (Former user (Deleted))
- Create a document to compare the differences between the 1.1 to 2.0 API → Community, OBM Model, Document Exists but probably needs more visibility (Tim Larson)
- Community Messaging:
- Tim Larson: To send the 2017 Kick-Off letter for the RackHD Community
- Refliection on 2016 for the community
- Highilights of what to come in 2017:
- New Look
- New community presence
- New Marketing Engagements, Shows, etc...
- New build and release process
- New Feature Sets
- The 1.1 to 2.0 progression with APIs
- Put the draft letter to the commit review board for review
- Tim Larson: To send the 2017 Kick-Off letter for the RackHD Community
- DataSets Data Structure, Data Logistics (GitHub Issue 417 - what is the JIRA Issue # that correlates?)
- BMC Credentials not working was the origin of the concern
- The PR causes concerns about how we approach data management through encryption at rest
- We need to revisit where we are at with this one?
- Initial Security concerns - do we have any holes right now? (AI: Commit Review Board)
- Initial problem was that something was encrypted in the DB, the data wasn't being un-encrypted before being putting in use
- The "fix" was to get rid of one extra level of transcoding...
- AI: Need to ensure that the database is not storing the information in plain text and that we are still encrypted (Paul Scharlach)
- Can we build a "clear text" scanner for the database as a security audit in the FIT harness? (Former user (Deleted)) Generate a RI for this...
- Need to build out layers of a "security dashboard" for the automation harness
- This issue is all about Data at Rest - Former user (Deleted): do we have a good handle on how we handle data in flight?
- AI for the Arch Review board to walk the Data Sharing, Models and Security - ask is to map that out across the modules (Former user (Deleted))
- Pending PR Requests:
- Some older PRs still pending (August) Former user (Deleted) to use the list from Ben BP on the management of the PR list
- Project Voyager
- Justin Kenney working to finalize the date for moving the source code over to the RackHD Github portal
- Roundtable:
- -
, multiple selections available,