RackHD Commit Review Board - December 12, 2016

RackHD Commit Review Board - December 12, 2016

Previous Meeting Notes (Core Committer Weekly Interlock - November 22, 2016) and Agenda:

  1. CC Meeting Cadence - Logistics
  2. New RackHD Front End Proposal
  3. Latest Slack Issues
  4. DevCon Actions
  5. PR Queue
  6. Roundtable


Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Justin Kenney

Paul Scharlach

Amy Mullins

Leo Zhang

Tim Larson

James King

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted) 

New Agenda Items:

  1. Expanded Forum and Logistics
  2. API 1.1 Deprecation
  3. Messaging to the Community
  4. DataSets Data Structure, Data Logistics  (GitHub Issue 417)
  5. Pending PR Requests
  6. Roundtable


  1. Expanded Forum:
    1. Growing the Commit Review Forum to a larger group
    2. We need bandwidth for the processing of the PRs, both review and commit asks
    3. Intent is to keep this forum with a "tactical bias"
    4. Former user (Deleted) will be running an Architecture Review Forum on Wednesday that has a "strategic bias"
    5. Paul Scharlach commented on concerns around where is the line on topics....
    6. AI: Tim Larson work with the existing core committer team to expand out the process (Thomas Sullivan assisting)
    7. AI: Tim Larson create new email DLs for the commit forum
  2. API 1.1 Deprecation
    1. Current situation is that we have declared the 1.1 APIs as deprecated
    2. We are not working any bugs or feature requests for the 1.1 APIs
    3. We have work to do for test coverage for removing 1.1 API from the Test Coverage 
    4. 2.0 API test coverage expansion (coverage is not sufficient today - OS Install needs to be added)
    5. Finalize the communication to the consumers of the 1.1 APIs to ensure that they are ready to move off of it
    6. Former user (Deleted): layers of code in On-Http - there is stale paths with 1.1 remaining...
      1. There is a benefit to removing the 1.1 APIs and code paths
      2. The 1.1 API has negative impact on Latency today - removing it will resolve/improve the pathing
    7. ThomasS: Any documentation currently in the API docs that indicate that 1.1 is deprecated
    8. Action Items: 
      1. Update the Documentation for the APIs to call out explicitly that the 1.1 APIs are Deprecated (Former user (Deleted))
      2. Do another round with the consumers on status of their migration to the 2.0 API consumption (Tim Larson)
      3. Improvements to the versioning of the 2.0 APIs and improve the visibility of the versions for the consumers(Former user (Deleted))
      4. Ensure that the FIT harness is fully supporting the 2.0 APIs and the needed test coverage (Former user (Deleted))
      5. Create a document to compare the differences between the 1.1 to 2.0 API → Community, OBM Model, Document Exists but probably needs more visibility (Tim Larson
  3. Community Messaging:
    1. Tim Larson: To send the 2017 Kick-Off letter for the RackHD Community
      1. Refliection on 2016 for the community
      2. Highilights of what to come in 2017:
        1. New Look
        2. New community presence
        3. New Marketing Engagements, Shows, etc...
        4. New build and release process
        5. New Feature Sets
        6. The 1.1 to 2.0 progression with APIs
      3. Put the draft letter to the commit review board for review
  4. DataSets Data Structure, Data Logistics  (GitHub Issue 417 - what is the JIRA Issue # that correlates?)
    1. BMC Credentials not working was the origin of the concern
    2. The PR causes concerns about how we approach data management through encryption at rest 
    3. We need to revisit where we are at with this one?
    4. Initial Security concerns - do we have any holes right now? (AI: Commit Review Board)
    5. Initial problem was that something was encrypted in the DB, the data wasn't being un-encrypted before being putting in use
    6. The "fix" was to get rid of one extra level of transcoding...
    7. AI: Need to ensure that the database is not storing the information in plain text and that we are still encrypted (Paul Scharlach)
    8. Can we build a "clear text" scanner for the database as a security audit in the FIT harness? (Former user (Deleted)) Generate a RI for this...
    9. Need to build out layers of a "security dashboard" for the automation harness
    10. This issue is all about Data at Rest - Former user (Deleted): do we have a good handle on how we handle data in flight? 
    11. AI for the Arch Review board to walk the Data Sharing, Models and Security - ask is to map that out across the modules (Former user (Deleted))
  5. Pending PR Requests:
    1. Some older PRs still pending (August) Former user (Deleted) to use the list from Ben BP on the management of the PR list 
  6. Project Voyager 
    1. Justin Kenney working to finalize the date for moving the source code over to the RackHD Github portal
  7. Roundtable: 
    1. -