Backlog review meeting - 4 new RIs and housekeeping for Block Island -
Owners for Cisco switches RI
RIs have been in limbo for months due to confusion between what Symphony team was doing and if it could be leveraged
It was decided a few weeks back, the Symphony solution would not align with RackHD Core (different language and different data model), would need to rewrite this for RackHD Core
Stephen Scaringella, Tim Larson and Tom Capirchio met with Tom Deelman a few weeks back. Team agreed to leverage Tom D’s team to scope and size work to deliver a RackHD GUI based on Dell Clarity.
Tom Capirchio to bring this up at OSE Governance – who owns this? What are the next steps?
Other - Enforce fixed version/s and resolution fields
Implemented for RI backlog, will be implemented for RAC backlog today
Issue: Went through the RAC database in the last week and identified that the fixed version/s and resolution fields are not being filled out which impacts reporting.
Proposal: Put enforcement that requires fixed version/s and resolution fields to be filled out.
fixed version/s field: Set when or before the sprint is started, change if does not make the sprint.
Resolution values of
Fixed should it should just be Done - fixed version/s = "Version"
Won't Do version/s=NA
Duplicate fixed version/s= NA
Invalid fixed version/s= NA
Done fixed version/s= "Version"
Cancelled fixed version/s= NA
Other - Knowledge Database
Tom S
No action to date
Other - Remove GitHub Issues
Tom S
Will remove issues from GitHub once the web portal and RackHD/RackHD changes are in place
All request for webportal to go through Tom Cap
Discuss at backlog review
Other - Equipment
Need more equipment for test equipment -sharing dev and test -Is there budget ,< $25 K