- Communicate Plan to Community of the new release naming (2.0.x) API changes warrant this release naming change
- Go/No Go for 1.3.0
- Any open issues? Amy?
- As of 2/24/17 morning timeframe, the only one to be discussed is RAC-4356 - docker-compose build changes to build locally impact usability In Progress and usability requirements
- Any open issues? Amy?
- When debugging this issue : RAC-4125 - Redfish ESXi OS bootstrap failing with 500 error Done Anitha found this to be a compatibility issue with mongodb version 2.6.10. She was able to reproduce this error when upgrading my mongodb from 2.4.9 to 2.6.10. Current recommended workaround is to stay at 2.4.9. Our scripts currently pull the latest version of Mongodb. Should we be considering locking down the mongodb version?
- Best practice for designing URIs for micro services REST APIs.
- Defects -
- Deleting node doesn't delete workflows related to the node. SMI-4
- RackHD should block rediscovering the same node more than once. SMI-10
- RackHD Doc - Id shows catalog identifier not identifier for node, http://rackhd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/rackhd/nodes.html
Update the git submodules of RackHD repo per release.
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