- Hopkinton (Gripen & Stryker):
- Quanta D51 from Minn to Hopkinton - Where is it? - Rod will track down (contacts in Franklin)
- Stryker will develop in a feature branch for impactful features (RI-82)
- Tom S to check on Cisco UCS HW. -
- Andromeda GPU element - Tom Cap no hardware so cannot work.(RI-79)
- Minnesota (Corsair):
- JIRA New group for docs - (Tom Sullivan to do) - Christine Day to be owner - Done
- West Coast (Monorail):
- Seneca - nodeJS microservice tool being evaluated
- Fake backend to the web UI - Check with Tom Cap if it is needed - Talk with Tom Cap
- Data Domain discussion a will pick up- meeting tomorrow
- Shanghai (Maglev):
- No blocking issues
- Texas (Mustang)
- No blocking issues
- PM
- (Peer review) Pull Requests filters on backlogs filteres
- Need to get Github / JIRA integration working - EWdouard and tom meeting today
- JIRA Backlog - Changes - Tom to Implement
- Buttons in order - Done
- Show 4 buttons - Still working
- All groups start using Open JIRA
- (Peer review) Pull Requests filters on backlogs filteres