Weekly OSE Development Leads Scrum - 2017_02_20
Weekly OSE Development Leads Scrum - 2017_02_20
- Shanghai (Maglev - Leo):
- No Blockers
- Sprint review thisweek
- RI-46 - ongoing
- RI-48 started
- Office On Duty - Monitoring Jenkins CI pipeline
- CI team - RackHD Vlab for EMC world
- Jenkins into source control is onging
- Webportal updates implemented
- Texas (Mustang - Maithri)
- Not available
- Minnesota (Corsair - Rod):
- No Blockers
- Solution packs - scoping of goals and anti goals - Dojo style
- Service now can connect to the server but have some API challenges
- TAAS on hold due to service now
- Open up a JIRA bug in Slack - will demo
- Amy:
- Not available
- Paul:
- No Blockers
- RI110 - Chef - in progress - for EMC world
- RI118 - Opensource web UI OS install wizard- continuing - Tom Cap driving the requirements for joining of the UI streams
- RI-92 Workflow flexibility initiative - ustang / Monorail met and have a clear path
- Monorail met with eCDM group - reintroduced to RackHD - they were receptive
- Not available
, multiple selections available,