Demo cleaned up but WebUI (no work at this time, (Meglev will do minimal support to keep up to date(Lyne Lin) needs work - Veyron will assist with customer fixes
Tim Larson EDG Ui (Clarity) followup - Looking at what can be opensourced
Other - Monorail tickets redistribution?
Tom will send out email to Tom Cap
Other - Knowledge Database and Design specs
Tom S
No action to date, after Dell EMC World - email set by Tom Sullivan for design doc location. CorpHD process identified.
"How to" documents will be brought into the confluence database.
RI design docs will be released in conjunction with the feature video. The document can be attached to the RI or stored in and linked to The design doc is meant to be a snap shot at the time the feature is released and will not evolve.
Other - RackHD usability
Need to simplify the barrier of entry including the RackHD demo
Other - Video demos
Tom S
Inside Dell now, looking at EDUTUBE.
Other - Equipment
Need more equipment for test equipment -sharing dev and test -Is there budget ,< $25 K, need for regression (CI / CD) Amy Mullins will put together a formal request to Tim Larson
@scale test environment being decommissioned, get equipment for Maglev Team. - Amy Mullins
Action items
Still cannot download tools from the internet, can get to Cisco switches but need more, will work with Former user (Deleted) - external sites from the dev system Amy Mullins to followup with Brenda.
Tom Capirchio ProductionNow - Trademark followup need for Dell EMC world - Not advised to trademark by legal
Tim Larson EDG followup - Looking at what can be opensourced
Solution pack find a consumer Tom Capirchio meeting today - 4/5