- Shanghai (Maglev - Leo):
- No Blockers
- RI-48
- Adobe improvement Virtustream Improvement regarding secure erase PR submitted
- RI-46 - ongoing
- Office On Duty - Monitoring Jenkins CI pipeline - Ongoing
- Jenkins into source control - PR submitted - in the sandbox tesing
- CI team - RackHD Vlab for EMC world - Ongoing
- Additional web portal updates
- Sprint review this week - Wednesday
- Texas (Mustang - Maithri)
- No Blockers
- Active Dell switch discovery - working on an issue
- Keycloak removal in progress
- Service gateway in progress
- Power monitoring micro service in progress - need historical data from pollers
- UI Prototype - Continue to use Dell Clarrity framework - Tom Cap will work on wireframes with teamm next week.
- WSman view for Redfish scheme
- Issues cloning the FIT test bed - reach out to Corsair