Pending decision to go from vagrant to Docker - SSH issues with Docker
Remove Brian Perry from certain lists
Do we now need to have a committers team as well as core committers (Architectural, design principle guidance , external contributions - Amy to Mullins will draft?
Opening Dialogue Above ^^Team - Look at email on RIs and provide feedback
Other - Knowledge Database and Design specs
Tom S
Link to RackHD page - Tom Thomas Sullivanopen opened RI and link to confluence wiki
Other - RackHD usability
-Defer for this week
Other - Video demos
Tom S
-Up and running - Check for Rod - ThomasS set up Screen shot directions on how to add video
Other - Equipment
Extra Dell material - Amy need more Dell nodes - Capital budgets are not set yet - Where should the equipment go (RackHD labs or EOS2) Answer: Need Dell in RackHD labs (we have Rinjins and Quantas)- 2 or 3 of each type (these are all 13G), - Amy got Mullins get a quick equipment ask toTim Larson
Move to internal forum
Action items
Still cannot download tools from the internet, can get to Cisco switches but need more, will work with Former user (Deleted) - external sites from the dev system Amy Mullins to followup with Brenda.
Tim Larson EDG followup - Looking at what can be opensourced
Solution pack find a consumer Tom Capirchio meeting today - 4/5Self service release notes, need also a internal SW checklist generated - Thomas Sullivanto discuss offline with Amy Mullins
$25 K, need for regression (CI / CD) Amy Mullins will put together a formal request to Tim Larson
ThomasS set up Screen shot directions on how to add video to the knowledge database
Do we now need to have a committers team as well as core committers (Architectural, design principle guidance , external contributions - Amy Mullins will draft?