- Former user (Deleted)
- Amy Mullins
- Paul Scharlach
- Thomas Sullivan
- Tim Larson
- Leo Zhang
- Former user (Deleted)
- Hopkinton (Gripen & Stryker):
- OnTask microservers - trying to move to feature branch
- GRPC is in another branch
- Benchmark testing ongoing - results at upcoming sprint demo
- Adding in ontask test microservice changes
- Stryker will develop in a feature branch for features (RI-82)
- Tom S to check on Cisco UCS HW. - Tom Response came back from Cisco - Tom to track down
- Quanta D51 from Minn to Hopkinton - Where is it? - Rod will track down (contacts in Franklin)Rudy has escalated
- Minnesota (Corsair):
- LDAP build is being worked
- Corsair watching RackHD channel and opening bugs
- West Coast (Monorail):
- WEB UE updadatedupdated
- Data Domain discussion delayed - DD needs some time
- Seneca - nodeJS microservice tool being evaluated - RI will be written up
- Fake backend to the web UI - Check with Tom Cap if it is needed - Talk with Tom Cap
- Shanghai (Maglev):
- RI-46 this sprint
- RI-45 event notification POC this sprint
- 350 node scale testing - intermediate analyzing intermediate fail to discover a node
- Looking at RAckHD dependances RackHD dependencies - microservices could be an answer but also some other considerations being investigated
- Loris OVA build inproceeesin process
- Home page is being update for approval at end of sprint
- Texas (Mustang)
- No blocking issue
- Trident has allot of blocking issues -issues
- Will take
- equipment to their lab if necessary
- All servers have unknown servers passwords
- No servers tag on the dell servers - need to set manually - Hopefully Ray can set
- SNMP alert for dell servers to send to RackHD - Now just a code and now have to match to string format
- Legal docs for open source will be set to Tim
- PM
- (Peer review) Pull Requests filters on backlogs
filteres - filters
- Need to get Github / JIRA integration working -
EWdouard - filters
- Eduardo and tom meeting today
- Swimlane- - Add Issues with pull requests in their own Swim-lanes for JIRA boards.
- JIRA Backlog - Changes - Tom to Implement
- Buttons in order - Done
- Show 4 buttons - Still working
- All groups start using Open
JIRA - Channel- Triage process
- Slower and looking across windows JIRA New group for docs - (Tom Sullivan to do)
- Bug Triage process - Tom Sullivan to propose a triage Channel method
- Comments that JIRA not as efficient as Pivotal tracker and slow over the Hopkinton network - Tom Sullivan will work with Amy to classify issues
- A new backlog created for JIRA RackHD docs - Christine Day to be
owner - Don- owner
- Tim
- ECE factory process utilizing RackHD - good conversation with Simon about VCE
- FIT / CIT need to hit the ground running starting in January